Restaurants Management and Operation

Operations & management

Restaurants and coffee shops Management and Operation

In general, experience plays a great role in the successful management and operation of any project, particularly in the field of restaurants and cafes. Nowadays, due to strong competition in the market and high cost of running the business, the only deciding factor for success becomes the style of management and the experience of the staff operating the restaurant or the café outlet. We always notice that risk and losses usually result from poor management and weak technical knowledge of the project operators, in addition to the lack of understanding of the market needs.

Therefore, it is essential for business owners and investors to gain the basic skills of management to ensure a successful operation of the project.

1) With our extensive experience in establishing and running chain restaurants and cafes both locally and internationally, we can get you started and on your way to achieving your best results. We assist in providing the know-how and understanding in managing and operating your company professionally with ease and guaranteed results. You may wish to have a look at our page to see a sample of our previous expertise and track record.

2) Management and Operation Training program

In Deyafa business, we use state of the art management and operation concepts. We implement up to date technology to save on time and expenses, and to carry out the required work both accurately and efficiently. We focus on achieving results and specific objectives. We act as partners for the success of the projects and we advise business owners to obtain the necessary skills and training to be qualified to run their businesses professionally in all circumstances. We constantly train the managerial staff and owners of the restaurant or café to run the business practically.

3) Operation Supervision Program

As a company specialized in the management and operation of restaurants, we always strive to upgrade our services to meet our clients’ needs. Our latest operation supervision program ensures implementing successful operational basis, as well as assisting and training managers and business owners on the latest operation and management techniques, planning and setting realizable objectives and execution steps for successful projects. The program cost and duration depends mainly on the size and requirements of each project.

4) Basics of Restaurant or Café management and operation

Running a restaurant or a café involves a lot of specific services and activities which we can deliver in full or partially as per your requirements.

  1. Restaurant study and analysis, market and competition study, setting a work plan.
  2. Setting the menu and suggesting alternatives or adding items (Menu Engineering).
  3. Setting operation rules for the outlet, assessing product turnover, providing constant follow up and problem solving during work.
  4. Providing a Recipe book for the items, setting the quality standards for the products and following up implementation.
  5. Setting staff Budget, staff job specifications, required number, salaries, schedules and performance appraisal.
  6. Conducting interviews and selecting hospitality staff candidates for all required specialties.
  7. Providing theoretical and practical training for the staff and suggesting performance improvement steps for their jobs.
  8. Devising sales plans and putting local and international marketing strategies.
  9. Putting financial auditing principles into practice and adjusting cost variable elements.
  10. Calculating & controlling food cost according to menu items and setting sales prices. Preparing accounting balance sheets, profit & loss and monthly reports.

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